Dr. Isaac Gang
Associate Professor
MS Data Analytics Engineering, Volgenau School of Engineering
Office Location: Nguyen Engineering Building Room 3241
Phone: 703-993-6549
Email: igang@gmu.edu
University Service
George Mason University:
- Teaching
- Mentoring
- Research
Texas A&M University-Commerce:
- Computer Science Department’s Outreach Coordinator
- Industry Advisory Board (IAB) Coordinator
- Program Coordinator – BS in Information Systems
- Computer Science & Information Systems Undergraduate Curriculum committee Member
- Computer Science & Information Systems Graduate Curriculum committee Member
- Undergraduate Advisor
1. Departmental service trip to Letourneau University
- 9/14/2017: Attended Letourneau University Science Seminar – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ka5GHxu8geY&feature=youtu.be
- Spoke on graduate research at A&M-Commerce
- Spoke about some of the core graduate courses (Algorithm Design, Games Programming, etc.,) at A&M-Commerce
- Spoke on my main research areas (Cyber Security & Big Data)
2. Program and Curriculum reviews
- 9/21/2017: Reviewed the Computer Science & Information Systems undergraduate curriculum and personally responsible for the following changes and recommendations:
- Designing/redesigning of a new Introduction to Game Design & Development course
- Removal of redundant prerequisites and “Instructor Consent” (to override prerequisites) provisions
- 9/21/2017: Reviewed the Computer Science & Information Systems Graduate curriculum and personally responsible for the following changes and recommendations:
- Designing/redesigning of a new Cyber-Physical Systems (CPS) course
- Creation/recreation of a new Algorithm Design course description
- Creation/recreation of a new Track
- Renaming of the Computer Science Graduate track from “Information Security” to “Cyber Security”
- Researching (with another colleague) a new “Computational Engineering” track for possible addition to our Computational Science Graduate tracks
3. University Forum
- 9/20/2017: Attended and contributed to the University’s DACA forum
4. Transfer Students Department Faculty Representative
- Summer/2018: Attended the orientation on behalf of the department and assist with students registration
5. Transfer Students Department Faculty Representative
- Fall/2018: Attended the orientation on behalf of the department and assist with students registration
6. Department of Computer Science & Information Systems Faculty Fall Commencement Representative
- Fall/2018: Attended the commencement on behalf of the department
7. Department of Computer Science & Information Systems Alumni Ambassador Faculty Host.
- March 1, 2018: Hosted the department’s 2018 Alumni Ambassador, Mr. Keith Wooten
8. Department of Computer Science & Information Systems Alumni Ambassador Faculty Host.
- February 21, 2019: Hosted the department’s 2019 Alumni Ambassador, Mrs. Iris Thompson
9. Faculty Panelist at the NAACP Student Chapter Forum.
- February 11, 2019: Attended the NAACP Student Chapter Forum where I addressed career and other student questions alongside other two faculty panelists
10. Department of Computer Science & Information Systems Faculty Representative at the College of Science & Engineering (COSE)’s Promotion Night.
- February 26, 2019: Conducted an open discussion with Freshmen, Sophomores, and Junior transfers wanting to know more about the department, careers, and the university at large where I answered their questions with two other colleagues
11. Department of Computer Science & Information Systems Faculty Mane Event Representative for the third time.
- March 2, 2019: Made a presentation about the department and the state of Computer Science to incoming and prospective students.
12. Department of Computer Science & Information Systems Faculty Representative and Panelist at Collin College’s Recruitment visit.
- May, 2018: Made a presentation about the department and the state of Computer Science and career to incoming and prospective students.
13. Department of Computer Science & Information Systems Faculty Mentor, Quality Enhancement Plan (QEP)
- FY2018, FY2019: Point of Contact for faculty/staff in CSCI department, as well as students, about the importance of and resources available to increase our students’ global competence.
14. Standing Committee Member, Quality Enhancement Plan (QEP)
- FY2018, FY2019: Contribute to university quality enhancement, collect student data, and support students and faculty through awards and other relevant activities. Time commitment, in addition to these responsibilities, is 3 meetings a year.
15. Department of Computer Science & Information Systems Faculty Mentor for Leaving Your Legacy Initiative.
- August 27, 2019: Made a presentation about the department and advised students on potential careers and Computer Science and/or STEM.
University of Mary Hardin-Baylor (UMHB):
- Faculty Consultant – Science Education Research Center (SERC) 2012 – 2017
- Computer Science & Engineering Dept. Programming Teams Consultant/Coach
- Member of the Diversity Committee
- Member of Educational Technology Committee
Colorado State University Global Campus (CSU-Global):
- Prior Learning Assessment (PLA) Program (BSIT) Guide
- Context Expert
University of Southern Mississippi
- Judge: Judged the Regional Science and Engineering Fair competition (2005)
- Faculty Position Candidate Tour Guide
Took the candidates around to various departments within the university (2006) - High School Students Tour Guide
Took the visiting students around to various places on campus (2007) - Intramural Sports Referee
Officiated various sports games during Intramural Sports Season (2007-2010)
- Member of Rockwall Catholic Church
- Active in the community and advocacy
In the News:
- “Computer Science Team Awarded”
The Bell Student Newspaper, November 16, 2012. Belton, Texas
TAMUC Online Newspaper, February 23, 2018. Commerce, Texas